Pato Chemical Industry Public Co., Ltd.

Business ethics

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Business Ethics

            The company issues codes of conduct for the board of directors and employees in accordance with the law. regulations related in writing for those involved to take it as a guideline for performing duties with honesty responsible for duty and discipline In addition, the company organizes meetings for employees regularly to create a better understanding between them.

Code of conduct for Directors of Pato Chemical Industry Public Co.,Ltd.

               1. Conduct their duties honestly and with integrity, comply with all laws, the objectives and the articles of association of the company, and the resolutions of any shareholder meetings in goods faith, and with care to preserve the interests of the company.
               2. Implement and direct the company’s policies, as well as monitor and supervise its operations to maximize economic value and shareholders’ wealth.
               3. Ensure management’s accountability to shareholders: preserve their rights and interests, clearly and fully disclose information.
               4. Determine to carry on the business continuously.
               5. Continuously follow and monitor the business performance and operations of the company according to its law and regulations.
               6. Avoid any other positions or jobs that may lead to conflicts of interest.

Code of Conduct for Employees of Pato Chemical Industry Public Co.,Ltd.

              Managers and employees should demonstrate their commitment to this code by maintaining a workplace environment that require compliance with the code. The code of conduct is not possibly inclusive for all situations which may arise. In the event that employees run into the situations which have not been described herewith please rely on each employee’s good sense of what is right and also seek guidance from supervisors for appropriate course of conduct.
               1. Perform their duties with responsibility and honesty.
               2. Increase knowledge and experience to promote integrity and personal growth and ability to perform more effectively and efficiently.
               3. Must be polite, considerate and maintain good relationships with colleagues, must not conceal any information necessary for the colleague to execute his/her duties, and must try to become well adjusted to work in harmonious relationship with others.
               4. Maintain and promote unity among colleagues and legitimately assist each other of the company operational benefit as a whole.
               5. Treat subordinate fairly and compassionately, groom and develop subordinates for their career advancement by imparting work related knowledge, training and providing them with opportunities to increase knowledge and experience.
               6. Listen to supervisor’s opinion and recommendations relating to work, and deliberate on applying them to benefit company’s operations.
               7. Refrain from unethically seeking position, merit or benefits from supervisors or others.
               8. Must not utilize company’s information or news which have not yet been disclosed to the public that may be material to the company’s share price, to seek profit or benefit from trading of company stock, directly and indirectly.
               9. Avoid accepting materials, money or other benefits from individuals doing business with the company that may influence the business decisions they make on behalf of the company, except on traditional events or to maintain normal business relationship; however the cost must not be overly expensive or immoderate.
               10. Keep company’s confidential information which may damageable the company by preventing any document or information from falling into the hands of outsiders.
               11. Be very careful when expressing opinions to outsiders on issue that may detrimental to the company’s image and reputation.
               12. Avoid disclosing other employees’ personal or work related information, and avoid any criticism that may be detrimental to the employee or to the company’s image and reputation.
               13. Refrain from gambling, drugs, and any other behave that may damage personal and the company’ s honor and reputation.
               14. Protect the company’s property from loss, damage, misuse and cautiously use the company’s property in a way that maximizes company benefit, and must not use the property for personal benefit.
               15. Perform their duties with concern about impact on health and safety of own self , others, and environment.

Protecting against the use of insider information

            The company has a policy and method to prevent company executives from using the company’s inside information for personal gain or for the purchase of securities before the company’s financial statement is disclosed to public.

  1. The company has set a policy for the directors and the executives to inform the board of the directors or an authorized person about the execution of shares, 1 day prior to the trading date.
  2. The company has kept its directors, management and staff informed about relevant announcements from Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The company’s directors, management and staff are required to report their changes in security holding to SEC in accordance with section 59 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 within 3 days from the date of changes in their security holding. At the same time, they have to inform the company’s secretary to record the changes and update the amount of security of each director and management in order to present to the company’s board of directors. The company’s directors, management and staff are also informed about their punishments in case of violation or failure to abide by the aforementioned regulations.
  3. The company has regulations to prohibit its staff to reveal its financial information and other information that may affect the price of its security to the public. The company’s staff are also forbidden to sell their securities within one month prior to the disclosure of the company’s security prices to the public. Those who fail to comply with the aforementioned regulations will be considered violently breaking the company’s discipline and shall receive penalties ranging from warning, wage reduction, suspension without pay to termination of employment.

Corporate Governance Manual

Direct and indirect
Shareholding of Directors

Anti-Corruption Handbook

Personal Data Protection Policy

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