
DateTopicFile Type
Mar 20, 2024AGM Notice to Shareholders
Dec 15, 2023Shareholder to nominate director and propose AGM Agenda 1/2024
Dec 4, 2023Giving or receiving present or gift
Mar 21, 2023AGM Notice to Shareholders
Dec 16, 2022Shareholder to nominate director and propose AGM Agenda 1/2023
Dec 1, 2022Giving or receiving present or gift
Mar 21, 2022AGM Notice to Shareholders
Dec 17, 2021Shareholder to nominate directors and propose AGM Agenda 1/2022
Mar 19, 2021AGM Notice to Shareholders
Dec 16, 2020Shareholder to nominate directors and propose AGM Agenda 1/2021
Jun 15, 2020AGM Notice to Shareholders
May 15, 2020Management Discussion and Analysis Q1/2020
Mar 10, 2020Practices to prevent COVID-19 at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 1/2020
Jan 6, 2020Shareholder to nominate directors and propase AGM Agenda 1/2020
Dec 1, 2019Giving or receiving present or gift
May 15, 2019Management Discussion and Analysis Q1/2019
Mar 15, 2019AGM Notice to Shareholders
Dec 25, 2018Shareholder to nominate directors and propose AGM Agenda 1/2019
May 15, 2018Management Discussion and Analysis Q1/2018
April 25, 2018Shareholders Resolutions 1/2018
Mar 19, 2018AGM Notice to Shareholders
Feb 27, 2018Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly2017
Feb 12, 2018Submit questions about the company’s performance to be answered at 2018 AGM
Jan 8, 2018Shareholder to nominate directors and propose AGM Agenda 1/2018
Aug 15, 2017Management Discussion and Analysis Q2/2017
April 26, 2017Shareholders Resolutions 1/2017
Mar 17, 2017AGM Notice to Shareholders
Jan 6, 2017Shareholder to propose aganda and nominate director

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